I miss you so much. Sometimes I just don't know what to do with myself. I search and search and search for something to make it ok.. to make sense of this. But I will never be able to do that. I will never find anything that will make you not being here ok. No matter how many more babies I have, it will never be ok without you Kathlyn. I was so happy and exicted waiting for you: the happiest of my life, baby girl. And I didn't get to bring you home. I want to ask you for something to make me feel better; but there's nothing. Only going back in time and being able to bring you home with me would make it better. And I don't think God would let you do that.
I'm so sorry sweet baby. You're still mine.
Love you forever,

Your letter is very sweet and so heartfelt. I can feel the love you have for your little girl. I wish that she could be with you for Christmas.