Friday, October 30, 2009

3 months

Hi Sweetheart!
Today is your 3 month birthday! You are such a big girl! I have to ask you again baby girl, maybe someday Mommy will get an answer or a sign.. are you really 3 months old now, or are you a newborn baby forever? Maybe you are a newborn baby waiting for Mommy just the way you left us.. but maybe you are growing and becoming even more beautiful with Granddaddy and Jesus. Which one is it my love?? I just wish I understood better about what it's like where you are. I know it's a wonderful place since you're there, the most beautiful little baby angel anyone has ever seen. You are my precious little girl! I am imagining what you'd be doing today as a 3 month old. You would have hit so many milestones.. Mommy would be so proud of her beautiful little princess! I bet you'd be smiling so big all the time now.. what a gorgeous smile you must have.. a smile that lights up the room. Everyone would smile when Kathlyn smiles.. who could resist that beautiful baby face?! I love that face!! I wanna kiss it! And I bet you'd be holding your head up some now.. Mommy's big strong healthy girl. And I bet you'd have an interest in all your toys and bright colors and you'd be watching intently at everything in the room and grasping on to everything and anything your sweet little fingers could reach. Oh I miss my little Kathlyn, and each and every little thing you'd be doing. Mommy loves you! Send me something pink today, sweetheart, and every day. It warms my heart when I feel you near. You are still my baby!

Love you forever,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie- It is Noah's Mummy- Jane. Hopefully you two play together all the time!
    Happy 3 months old little girl! You are beautiful, and I'm sure getting more beautiful each day!
    Send down lots of more signs for your Mummy and Daddy - you are really good at sending them, and your Mum and Dad are really good at noticing them!
    send them peace and love and hope little girl!
    Lots of Hugs- make sure Noah gives you a little hug too!!

    Noah's Mummy
