Mommy loves you! 8 months... I can't believe I've been missing you for 8 months... it feels like much longer, but I know if you were here with me like it should be, it would have felt like it went very fast and that you were growing into a sweet little toddler with pigtails and teeth instead of my little baby girl. Are you still a newborn, Kathlyn, or are you really 8 months old now? Mommy misses you so much, and I wish I understood what it was like where you are, or what it would be like if you were here.
Thank you Princess for sending me that pink paci when I was in Charleston with Daddy! You knew that Mommy should write your name in the sand that night on vacation; you just knew I should write your name right then, just one minute before I was going to see the pink paci. Just like I did before in October when you sent me that purple paci after I wrote your name with Deputy. You are so sweet to Mommy... you know just what I like to see... anything pink, beautiful, or baby... just like you! The most beautiful baby there ever was. I put a little K by the paci for the picture. Just for you!
I miss you so much Katie-cat. I wish you were here. Easter is coming, and then my birthday, and I wanted you to make a mess with icing and help me blow out my candles. I love you Angel... kisses to the sky for you always.
Love you forever,